5 Tips for Increasing Your Productivity

It turns out, productivity is nothing more than a combination of intelligent planning and focused efforts and is something that everyone can improve.

Staying productive at home or work can be a challenge. Every time the day ends, the odds are high that you aren't completely satisfied with what you've accomplished. Fortunately, you can continuously improve your productivity.

Here are some valuable tips for increasing your productivity so you can get more done.

Tip #1: Seek Help and Delegate Tasks Accordingly.

Everybody needs help from time to time to complete tasks throughout their day. To get help to accomplish your larger tasks, you need to be able to trust those you are seeking help from to complete the work. To ensure that they take your request seriously, you want to be sure to let them know the deadline for the completion of the task.

Tip #2:  Create To-Do Lists

You will always have tasks that are simple and ones that are complex. To stay on top of your tasks, create to-do lists and track them using a task app, like Google Tasks. With the larger tasks, break them up into more manageable tasks. You may also want to consider putting a timer on your tasks so that you don't lose your focus in completing other items on your to-do list.

Tip #3: Take Breaks

If you spend more than eight to ten hours at a desk, without moving around much, you'll find that you have much less energy. The number of hours you work doesn't measure productivity. It is measured, instead, by how much you get done without sacrificing your health. To keep your productivity levels up throughout the day, take small breaks and clear your mind.

Tip #4: Eliminate Distractions

In the U.S. a recent study revealed that over 12.2 billion collective hours are being spent browsing social media every day. If you find that you are falling behind on your tasks, then you should consider getting rid of your social media apps on your smartphone.

Tip #5: Set Ambitious, Yet Realistic Goals

If you can cross everything off your to-do list in one day, then you need to create more ambitious goals. People that set higher goals tend to be more productive and more satisfied, than those with lower expectations. Your goals have to be very specific, and you should write them down to ensure you stay on track.

Incorporating these tips into your routine can help you to increase your productivity. When you are more productive throughout the day, you can inevitably get more done.

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