As an Online Marketer, especially Affiliate Marketer, we all want to get to that first 5-figure month and that is why the number $10K is widely use by so many Gurus and Mentor out there.
Before you set your goals, there are 3 Questions you need to ask yourself:
- What do you need to achieve?
- What needs to be done in order to achieve that?
- Who do you need to become to achieve that goal?
I did say $10K, but this is merely just a number, the actual number you want to achieve could be different, depending on your WHY and your current skills and experience.
To make this easier, let say you want to get your $10K in the next 5 months, that means you need to make $5K in 2.5 months, and we can further break it down to $2K in one month.
After you have your monthly goal, then you can project what you should do in each week to get to that number. Chunk it down again to each day and you got yourself a solid Daily Action Plan, because we operate in daily basis.
Let's Get Down To The Nitty Gritty
Now to give you a clear example, let say that you want to get $2K a month with a single product priced at $500, that means you need to sell 1 copy each week.
If your closing rate is around 10:1, which means for every 10 prospects you get one sale, then your weekly target should be to get 10 warm leads and convert at least one of them into hot leads who are ready to buy (hot leads means they are a good fit to your solution and they have the budget to buy PLUS they have a sense of urgency so they will make that buying decision in short time).
And after you know your number, you can dialed down into how to get that 10 warm leads every week. How many prospects should you have? Let say from 5 people, 1 is interested to buy, then you should talk or communicate with at least 50 people each week, either through emails, chatbot, or any other means of communication.
So that leave us to question #3, who do you need to become in order to achieve that goal? Of course you need to have a proven process that you could use and the ability to get those prospects to get to know you.
Sales and Marketing plus Communication skills are mandatory if you want to become an efficient closer, and that goes also for your mindset. You can not close a $1K offer if you are having a $100 offer mindset.
What do I mean by that? You first need to have the confidence and clarity on your offer because that is what people will see from you. Even through written words, you are sending your energy to others and they will catch that subconsciously.
Well, I don't want to get deeper into this, but you will understand what I mean when you practice it. People buy from marketer they know, like, and trust. Plus they will buy from marketer who gives them the confidence and comfort that they could feel at ease and think it is the most logical decision to buy from you.
If you use a funnel that starts from a landing page, even if you are offering a free stuff, but if they fail to grasp your message, they won't opted in. So another thing to note is: you must be congruent in all your marketing message (and that includes your content as well either through blogging or Social Media).
The Rule of 3
After we have our mid and short term Goals, as well as the list of things needed to achieve them, we apply the rule of 3. Take your monthly goals and ask yourselves:
What are the 3 things I need to do in order to achieve X in the next month?
This will give you clarity on what are the main things you ought to focus on in the upcoming weeks. I recommend you write this down and put in the calendar you usually use (Google or Outlook or other Calendar) for each 1st of the month. This way you can track it each month and review the goals you hit or miss from the previous month and set up new goals.
After you have answered that question, the next question becomes:
What are 3 Main Things I need to do next week in order to achieve my monthly goals?
These questions are super powerful as they are giving us the ultimate clarity on what actually needs to get done. Instead of you wandering around and pondering what to do next, you'll know exactly what you need to get the job done.
This way if you should make a new investment either in a new course or coaching/mentoring program, you won't just throwing money at random things that won't actually help you.
The more you chunk things down and make them tangible, the clearer it will be for you what you need to get done to move in the direction that you want.
Our daily schedule should be set up in such a way as to get us closer to our weekly/monthly and our life goals in general.
What you do every hour, every day, matters. If you refine it day by day, then you will work less and achieve more results (that is exactly what we want right?).
And so we arrived at the third and Final Question of the Rule of 3:
What are the 3 Things I need To Do Today in Order to Get Closer To My weekly Goals?
Keep in mind when you are answering the questions I'm giving you and when you're listing 3 things, you must think of the 3 MOST IMPORTANT things you need to do. No guessing, not what you want, but what you must do.
If you make these 3 things NON NEGOTIABLE, I am willing to bet that you will achieve your goals faster than before.
Final Note
You must start with vision far ahead, begin with the end in mind. But don't forget that you need to keep things small and do incremental steps that will move you toward those goals.
Another thing that you need to keep in mind is: don't overthink this! Don't analyze it too much and then ended up paralyzed and do nothing. Don't let this overwhelm you (if you do, maybe you need to set a goal that is more realistic for your current circumstances).
When you asked yourself these questions, the first thing that comes in mind is the right answers. Our brain knows more than we realize. Trust your gut and your intuition.
Ever heard of less is more? Even with 3 most important things as stated above in the Rule of 3, there is always one thing that is the biggest needle-moving activity. So ask yourself:
What is The ONE THING I can do, such that by doing it, everything else becomes unnecessary or easier?
I promise you, it will make all the difference in the world. Block out time, schedule it, and do the damn thing! Thank me later 🙂
Oh, btw, if you ever need my help about crushing your goals with your Online Business, just reach out and let's talk about it.
I truly hope you like this article as much as I love writing it. It would be awesome if you might learn something new here to accompany your journey to freedom.
So that's it for now and feel free to cruise on another post inside my website. Thank you!
At your service,
Freedom Cruiser Team