Auto Promoter Review: Getting a Breakthrough With 1 Click?

We all want to make that juicy commissions everyday, further more we want to get passive income and everything done for us already.

Do you feel the same? Well, that is what Auto Promoter is about. Let's dive into this and see if this is the right fit for you!

What Is Auto Promoter?

Auto Promoter is a breakthrough 1-Click Software which will automates your email marketing with DFY squeeze pages & affiliate email campaigns allowing you to start banking affiliate commissions in just seconds!

In a nutshell, Auto Promoter is a Cloud Based Email Autoresponder with Done For You Squeeze Pages to Use, Built-In Top Affiliate Products, and Done For You Email Campaigns. Plus it is a 100% Newbie Friendly.

How Does Auto Promoter Work?

The idea is to make this as simple as possible for any beginner to make money online. You only need to do 3 steps and you are good to go.

Step 1 is login to the software (well, duh, it's a cloud based software). Step 2 is choosing a niche where you want to focus on your campaign, and lastly Step 3 is Let Auto Promoter do all the work for you. Easy peasy.  

Below is a short video to demonstrate Auto Promoter at work:

Who Is Auto Promoter For?

Well, anybody who is doing Online Marketing certainly need to build their list of audience and having an AutoResponder is a must if you want to automate your marketing effort.

The main target for this product is obviously beginners who want to make quick bucks with little effort because everything is already done for you and you just need to push the button and relax....waiting for the money to come into your Bank Account automatically. Sounds familiar?

Should I Buy Auto Promoter?

Frankly speaking, I have seen so many products like this being sold on W+ and oh boy, this is just another one from so many of those "One-Time-Fee" autoresponder with built-in squeeze pages and even email automations to choose from.

I got a very serious question about this product. The first thing is: how will the vendor keep up with the hosting cost and any other part of the software that needs to be paid regularly? 

If the sales are good and the profit is more than enough to cover the cost, then it should not be a problem. But again, why would there be something this good and companies like Aweber, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, etc are still exist and doing well?

Why would thousands of marketers paid for their services if there is a very cheap (one time fee!) alternatives that does it all automatically?

The second question is: if they have the template, then it means that two people who choose the same niche will have exactly the same landing pages and email autoresponders. Imagine if 100 people bought this and choose the same niche. What would happen then? 

What if there are 1,000 buyers and they all choose the same niche? Would it be still making a "decent income? I mean, would you even opted in if you saw something similar again and again? I wouldn't for sure.

And lastly, what about the traffic? You still need to drive traffic to your squeeze pages, or else it would be for nothing! Do you know where to get traffic? Do you know how to generate traffic? Well, this product doesn't include that.

Just point and click, as simple as that. Yeah, right! lol

Before you buy this product, just do your due diligence and check if what I am saying is true or just BS. With so many kinds of this product out there, it really makes me wondering, are these vendors really saying the truth or...? Well, it's up to you to decide that.

if you asked me, I would definitely stay away from these kinds of products who said all are DFY, super easy, only 3 steps, and you can just relax and see money flows (from your pocket to the vendor that is lol).

Is There A Better Alternatives Than Auto Promoter?

I can answer that without a shadow of a doubt. YES there is! In fact, I have tested it personally to see if the product, the vendor, the support, and the result are really there.

You see, I hate buying craps and I think you are also agree that it is better to put our money into something that really worth the investment than just spending it on low quality products and feeling sorry later.

If you want to stop jumping from one shiny object to the other, I would advise you to check my review about the very much better alternative for Auto Promoter below. 

For $7, you can get a great product, and more over, you will get 100 leads ready to be monetized inside your autoresponder (which you also get for free!).

If you decided to get in, I will help you in every step of the way. This is by far the most affordable and easiest way to start an online business. 

And with that I end this review for Auto Promoter.

I hope you enjoyed my review.

If you have any questions about Auto Promoter that I haven't answered above, please let me know in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer all your questions.

Thank you!

At your Service,

Freedom Cruiser Team