Recurrent Review: How To Make Recurring Income And Build a 7-Figure Empire

Who doesn't love passive income? I bet you love them as much as I do!

Well, in this newest product from James Fawcett, a 7-Figure Marketer from Australia, you will learn how he did it to build his 7-Figure Empire.

He will show you exactly how and he also shares his funnel for free! Excited? Let's dive in!

What Exactly Is Recurrent?

Recurrent is an affiliate marketing video training course, which taught the exact method that James Fawcett used to generate over $1,000,000 in affiliate commissions and not only that, he also share all his work with you so you can replicate it easily.

Recurrent will teach you how to make recurring passive income (hence the name) using James's product or other product he recommend inside the member area.

James also shares the exact traffic providers he used to buy the traffic, shows the opt-in and bonus page he used, explains exactly to which offers he sent the traffic, and how anyone can do this even if you are just starting out.

Who Is Recurrent For?

Are you struggling in your way of making money online? or maybe you already made some commissions like I did but you don't know how to scale it to let say $10K per month consistently?

If so, I invite you to check it out and learn how you can do the same like what James did and follow his success. As you know, I am very careful of what I am promoting and I will not promote shady product by some Gurus who doesn't work or even if it is, it usually has no scalability.

Who Is The Guy Behind Recurrent?

The Guys behind The Breakout Code 2.0 are none other than James Fawcett. Before Recurrent, he has successfully launched his own series of products too.

Recurrent Review: How To Make Recurring Income And Build a 7-Figure Empire 2

James Fawcett

Here are the list of his previously launched products:

Recurrent is James's newest product and he also has his own Coaching Offer for serious Marketers.

What Is Inside Recurrent?

Okay, now we are going to dive into what are being taught inside Recurrent and I will give you some extra information based on what I have learned inside.

  • Welcome 
    • Welcome To Recurrent
    • Case Study
  • Overview
    • Overview
  • Getting Setup With Recurrent
    • Finding A Recurring Program...That Sticks
    • Build A Community
    • Promoting 7-Figure Insider Program
    • Build Recurrent Optin Funnel 
    • Build Your Recurrent Bonus Page
    • Set Up Your Recurrent Follow Ups
    • Integrate Autoresponder
    • Sending Broadcasts
  • Recurrent Traffic
    • Traffic  
  • Monetizing Your Community
    • Managing Your Community 
  • Whitelabel My Bonus Stack (Coming Soon)
  • Recurrent Bonuses
    • Recurrent Bonuses
    • Top Converting Recurring Programs
    • Bonus: Recurrent Optin Funnel
  • Recurrent Upgrades
    • Recurrent Upgrades
  • Support
    • Support Contact

As you can see above, James is not only sharing how he made that 1Million in commission, but he also teach you what to promote, how to setup your funnels, how to create the automation using email autoresponder, and also how to drive traffic to your funnel. It's an all in one solution in one place. How convenient can that be?

Well, almost convenient. Why do I say that? Because he is using ClickFunnels, Aweber, and another paid tools which I think would be "too much" for someone who is just starting out.

But worry not, I have the much much affordable alternative for all of those things and you can start for FREE (and paid less than $30/month if you choose to do so). Check it out inside my Bonuses section below. 

Sneak Peek Inside Recurrent Member Area

The picture below is what you are going to see when you access the course for the first time. The modules are designed so that you can learn and then apply what you just learned immediately because James is sharing all the funnels he used.

recurrent member area

To make this product works more effectively, I would suggest you to also grab the upgrades that I will explain below and why I recommend it. 

Are There Any Upsells For Recurrent?

Below is the complete funnel for Recurrent starting from the Front End and the Upsells for your information:

  • FRONT END - Recurrent - $17
    • Recurrent is an information product detailing the exact recurring profit machine developed that has added $4,000+ in Recurring revenue in just 14 Days from plugging this in. This has added sustainable and consistent recurring income day after day.
    • It is sustainable, scalable and extremely easy to set up, yet powerful enough to provide peace of mind in your monthly income.
  • BUMP Offer - 70k in 30 Days Secrets & Fast Start Guide - $9.95 (Optional)
  • Upgrade #1 - 10x Automated Profits - $37/$27 (Recommended)
    • Getting this to work around the clock, on complete autopilot, reliably and consistently day after day takes an army of secret weapons to help unlock real profits.
    • Here we have included the exact swipes we use to guarantee sales day after day, week after week.
  • Upgrade #2 - Recurrent DFY Launch Stack - $197/$97
    • Figuring out how to get recurring income flowing easily is half the battle.
    • We’ve packaged something very special and unique to really give anyone that implements this a sure fire way to get recurring cash flowing into your wallet
  • Upgrade #3 - 7 Figure Insiders - $97/year or $1 trial 3 days then $9.95/mo
    • Mastermind Call + Support - goes for 2-3 hours…
    • This upgrade will allow you to leverage any affiliate or product offer and increase your profits 10x..
  • Upgrade #4 - Recurrent Traffic Accelerator - $47/$37 (Recommended)
    • James' secret list of traffic sources all bundled into one place. James has spent over $800,000 with his traffic acceleration sources and he's revealing them in this acceleration package.
    • So A LOT of cash has gone into testing and finding the traffic methods that work, this upgrade provides those answers at a ridiculously low price, exceptional value!
  • Upgrade #5 - Unlimited Traffic - $197
    • We’ve gone one better with providing anyone multiple and unique methods in tapping into our traffic sources. Targeting buyer traffic is tough, let alone getting regular cold traffic to any offer.
    • These traffic methods will surely bring hot card in hand buyers to any offer.
  • Upgrade #6 - Super Affiliate Reseller Bundle - $147/$97
    • When you are new, getting access to promote products is next to impossible.
    • Problem is you obviously need approval in order to promote, so we decided to give an instant solution by giving access to promote every single one of our products at a ridiculous 80%+ commissions.
    • This is a major shortcut to affiliate marketing success. These products are proven to convert time after time using the process.

I would recommend Upgrade #1 and Upgrade #4 since it will be useful in setting up the email autoresponder swipes and how to get more traffic. Otherwise, you can also bought them inside the member area later.

Should You Buy Recurrent?

Most definitely! Lots of products out there are either obsolete or no longer working, with this product you can be sure that it is working even in 2023 and you can scale it up so you can have the same results like James did.

I highly recommend you buy Recurrent if you want to make 2023 your breakout year as an affiliate.

Make sure also to consider getting some of the upgrades as well. They are really worth it in my opinion. Upgrade 4 and 5 are useful if you have no source of proven traffic right now and you don't know who to go to for getting traffic.

It might sound simple, but believe me, I have been scammed a lot of times when I bought cheap traffic. I must say it's a beginner mistakes LOL but I would suggest you not to do the same stupid mistakes I did. I was wasting my money and only get fake emails or even people not from tier 1 countries inside my list.

My Awesome Bonuses For Recurrent

Oh yes! Here comes the goodies! As a token of appreciation for buying this product from me, here are my crazy bonuses for you:

  1. Lifetime Access to my Inner Circle (Worth: priceless)
    • This means that you can reach out to me whenever you need any advice or assistance and I will share with you my latest finding to boost your income faster.
  2. Affiliate Marketing Mastery (Worth: $67)
    • You will learn strategies to generating a life-changing income online & unlock the secrets' to complete affiliate marketing mastery. 
    • Topics covered:
      • Affiliate Marketing
      • Benefits of Starting with Affiliate Marketing
      • Top Affiliate Marketing Trends
      • How to Promote Your Website and Get Traffic
      • The Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Programs
      • Writing Content for Affiliate Marketing
      • Using Social Media Platforms for Affiliate Marketing
      • Qualities of a Good Affiliate Marketer
      • The Challenges Associated with Affiliate Marketing and How to Overcome Them
      • How to Promote Affiliate Offers
  3. The Traffic Handbook (Worth: $67)
    • Great internet marketing is about marrying new strategies (like SEO and social media marketing) with tried and tested principles. That means understanding what your business is about, who your audience is, and how to get them excited. It means delivering amazing value and information through your content.
    • Here are what you will learn in this guide: 
      • Content marketing strategies to attract a bigger audience to your blog or social profiles.
      • 7 benefits of posting valuable content on your website and social media.
      • How to build links that will actually IMPACT on your ranking!
      • How to write SEO content that generates organic search traffic and boosts your ranking.
      • How to grow your social media exponentially with minimal effort
      • Understand the principles that can be applied to any site and any business.
      • How many times you should post on your blog and social profiles. Here's our recommendation if you're just starting out.
      • Tips on SEO, paid advertising, social media, and branding for building an online presence.
      • 5 effective content types to grow your traffic and sales.
      • Three types of keywords you want to target when it comes to search engine optimization. Understand each of these keyword types for the biggest gains in organic traffic.
      • And much, much more! 
  4. Super Affiliate Marketing Course To Make Six Figure Income in One Year (Worth: $1,997)
    • A complete course about Affiliate Marketing from A to Z that will literally take you by the hand and show you step by step Actions Step to make a Six Figure side income. 
  5. For those who bought Upgrade #1 and Upgrade #4: Access to my ENTIRE bonus library (Worth: $497) 
    • Over 54 digital products for you to use/study or give away so you won't have any shortage of bonuses to give to your audience or buyers.
  6. Special Bonus: My Secret weapon of getting Buyer Leads, Setting Up Unlimited Optin Page, and Email Autoresponder for less than $30/month! (I will share all of my funnel and swipes if you upgrade under my account)

I hope you enjoyed my review.

If you have any questions about Recurrent that I haven't answered above, please let me know in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer all your questions.

Thank you!

At your Service,

Freedom Cruiser Team

PS: Please email me your proof of purchase to and I will send you the Bonuses. Thank You!