Welcome to my short review of Pocket Profits. This is a low ticket product from Philip Johansen and Dan Khan.
The reason why I made this review is because there are so many misleading and empty promises products out there that just doesn't work, so I want you to not fall victim into it and you can decide for yourself what's best for you.
Within this brutally honest review you will know exactly what Pocket Profits is and if this product will worth your time or not. So let's get into it!
What Is Pocket Profits?
The product creator (Philip) said that Pocket Profits is a 100% results-based info product that will teach ANY newbie how to go from zero to hero just by using your phone.
Philip has been using this method for MONTHS and he has proven to be an authority on this topic, rising from 0 to 52k followers and making a steady flow of $453/Day from Instagram, and he made this product so that he can pass on this knowledge to newbies to duplicate his results.
What Is Inside Pocket Profits?
To answer this question, I will show you the member's area below:

As you can see, there are 5 Big sections here. I will explain each of them below:
- Welcome Video
- These are basically the usual welcome video by Philip and Dan plus there is a video about the Free Training on how Philip made $43K in 7Days
- Very Important
- Philip share his story and what you can expect from this course
- Main Training
- Overview and Proof - Philip shows the results of doing this "secret algorithm" method
- Create Instagram account - How To set up your account
- Logo for Your account - How To Create Logo
- Copy Other People - How To copy other people's work
- Hashtags and posting - How to do hashtags correctly and how to post
- Upgrades
- Basically just the access to the OTOs
- Unannounced Bonus
How Does The Complete Pocket Profits Funnels Look Like?
Pocket profits has 7 OTOs in total actually (as expected from a low ticket product anyway) and here they are:
- FRONT END — Rapid Mobile Commissions ($12.47)
- Pocket Profits is a results-backed method that Philip has been using for MONTHS.
- He is leveraging a secret algorithm in Instagram to obtain TONS of followers, leads and sales on a daily basis.
- OTO #1 — 10X Traffic Hack ($27) — $17 Downsell
- Obtain the exact hashtags that Philip uses to boost 10X his traffic with no extra effort. Get more traffic in less time.
- OTO #2 — DFY ($37) — $27 Downsell
- Why do your own posts when you can just steal all of Philip’s?
- This upgrade will give you 30 of Philip’s top posts with at least 100,000 views.
- You are basically bound to get thousands of views with no effort
- OTO #3 — 10K/Month Automation ($37) - $27 Downsell
- Steal Philip’s exact campaigns and funnels so you can duplicate his exact results.
- Exact funnel, Exact Swipes, Exact Results.
- OTO #4 — Reseller rights ($97) - $47 Downsell
- Get 100% commissions to Pocket Profits and start banking in 2X more commissions!
- OTO #5 — 10K Buyers In 24 Hours ($97) — $47 Downsell
- Find out how Philip gets 10K buyers in 24 hours with a very secret hack that not many people know about.
- OTO #6 — Hands-Off ($97)
- Philip will give you his exact source as to how he basically let his Instagram run on autopilot.
- Get followers, leads and sales no matter where you are. Have a drink and relax, this is hands-off beach money.
- OTO #7 — 152K Views In 48 Seconds ($67)
- This upgrade shows how Philip uses 1 piece of content and duplicates it 3 times to give him 30 times more results in less than 60 seconds.
Does The Pocket Profits Method Really Work?
Now here is the moment of truth!
I got to say that I am not a fan of Instagram and their algorithms. But one thing for sure, there is no such things as secret algorithm!
What I personally dislike is the fact that although Instagram allowed it's users to copy other users contents, but for me this is unacceptable.
You can not become a real Online Entrepreneur with copying other people's hard work and this is the kind of product that utilize the fact that most people are lazy. Sorry but no sorry. I just stated the fact is all 🙂
Okay, so let's get back to the question shall we?
Does this method really works? YES it can work, but not like what the Sales Page told you. It takes quite some time to build an account and setting it up.
The amount of commission showed inside the sales page is real, but I doubt that you can generate them in a matter of days with organic Instagram traffic.
You see, this is the one thing which is TOTALLY MISLEADING!
First of all, you need time to developed your account and get traffic into it. Secondly, even after you generate that traffic, there will be much needed time for your audience to KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you.
Every real marketer knows this basic principle. Building an audience won't happen overnight, especially if your content is not original.
I hate so say this, but that is the truth. Forget Big Commissions if you are not even willing to put in the work! Is this method scalable? hardly!
Is There Any Alternatives For Pocket Profits?
As a matter of fact, yes there is. You need to learn about how to create your own content and become an Authority in your niche while still being authentic and then build your own tribe.
It's not sexy and glamorous, and it's definitely need some time to actually see your first sales from happening.
I would highly suggest to start with using Facebook organic rather than Instagram. Why? Besides it is the #1 Social Media platform nowadays, you can utilize Facebook algorithm to attract leads and grow them inside your own Group.
If you are not sure where to start, I suggest you to watch this Free Training and start learning how to become a High Ticket Affiliate Marketer using organic methods and cash in high tickets commissions for real.
This is real business, real people, real problems, and it's definitely more sustainable. If you want to play the long game, I truly recommend it.
Final Verdict About Pocket Profits
I did told you this will be a short review, and as you already know, I can not recommend this product if you really want to make money as an Affiliate Marketer.
I didn't say this doesn't work at all, but the method is actually nothing new and you still need to put in some work (unless you decided to buy the OTOs and replicate Philip's campaigns, and good luck with copying his results!).
Tell you what, if you really want to learn the fundamentals of being an Affiliate Marketer, here is where you should go instead and it's totally Free.
Just click on the button below to access the free training and let me know what you think about it. Would love some feedback. As always, you can reach out to me whenever you need some advice.
So here is where I ended this review and I hope this is something of value for you. Don't forget to check my recommendations on my homepage and I will see you on my next reviews.
If you have any questions about Pocket Profits that I haven't answered above, please let me know in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer all your questions.
Thank you!
At your Service,
Freedom Cruiser Team