So, you’ve built a mailing list and now you’re using it to drive more traffic to your site and encourage more sales of your products.
You’re developing a stronger relationship as a result and you have cut out the ‘middle man’ as it were by removing Facebook or Twitter from the equation.
But while these are great uses for email marketing, there are actually many more besides which you can use if you want to get even more profit and benefit from all your hard work. Here are some examples:
Surveys and Crowdsourcing
A mailing list is not just a marketing list – it is also an informational resource. Consider asking your mailing list questions and getting feedback from them regarding your ideas and your future plans.
After all, you are planning on selling the next digital product you make to this audience, right?
Why not ask which products they’d like to see from you and then use that in order to make sure they are highly likely to buy!
Solo Ads
When you’ve read about solo ads thus far, you’ve probably been looking at them from the perspective of being a customer.
But now you have your own large list, why not bring in some extra cash by selling adverts?
Here you will get paid in order to do shout-outs, which is essentially like having a sponsor. It’s a very easy way to make money but of course the risk is that you can end up losing out by damaging the trust you’ve built with your audience.
Avoiding this is a simple matter of carefully selecting the advertisers and handling the messaging in a way that is downplayed and respectful.
Exit Strategy
Here’s another very good reason to build a mailing list that many people won’t consider: you can sell it!
Mailing lists lose their value as soon as you try to sell them and this means that you can’t make a living by buying and selling emails.
But while that’s true, a mailing list can significantly increase the value of your website if you come to sell that or your business.
If this is your intended exit strategy, then building up a big mailing list is a very good use of your time.
Think of this like developing a property. While you wouldn’t get much money if you sold that hardwood floor, you can increase the value of your property by having it there.
Ready to start building your list? Here is what I recommend for you to start and developed your own list. At a price of a cup of coffee, this is totally GOLD!
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Freedom Cruiser Team