Inbox Equalizer Review: Craft a Perfect Email and Make More Sales!

Hi and welcome to my review of Kam Jenning's newest product: Inbox Equalizer. It's a cloud based software combined with training that will instantly improve your email marketing results.

If you are an email marketer just like me, you will understand the importance of improving your deliverability, open rates, and click thru rates.

These are the most important aspects that will determine how many sales you are going to get. Excited? Me too! Let's dive in!

What Is Inbox Equalizer?

Inbox Equalizer is a powerful cloud based software combined with training that will instantly improve your email marketing results.

Inbox Equalizer includes software that will rate and improve your subject lines and email copy to improve your deliverability and open rates!

In addition, training is included on list building and email marketing for the ULTIMATE email marketers package! This software is powerful and you HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT!

Who Is Behind Inbox Equalizer?

Kam jennings

Kam Jennings is a full time mid-level internet marketer who sells information products online. He support a family of four with what he earn online full time. Within this launch he works together with Jorge and Sid.

Kam specialize in Youtube, inbound marketing, product creation, membership sites and affiliate marketing. He also do consulting and coaching for people who are trying to make a transition from 9 to 5 job to online business.  

What Does The Member's Area Looks Like?

I have tried the software and it is very easy to use. User friendly too. Here is a screenshot I took inside the Member's Area:

Inbox Equalizer Review: Craft a Perfect Email and Make More Sales! 2

Inbox Equalizer in Action - Demo Video

Since it is a software, I believe you might want to see and feel if this really deliver it's promise on the Sales Page for you. To know more about how it works, please watch the Demo Video below:

The Complete Funnel of Inbox Equalizer

Below is the complete funnel of Inbox Equalizer and what to expect when you decide to buy this product:

  • FRONTEND ($27/mth)
    • Inbox Equalizer Software and Training.
  • BUMP ($9.97)
    • UNLOCK SWIPE FILE PLUS so that your Inbox Equalizer Software is even MORE powerful and gains the ability to SAVE every Subject Line and Email you create! 
    • This will allow you to build a PERFECT SWIPE FILE right inside Inbox Equalizer.
  • OTO1 ($37)
    • OTO1 is the Inbox Equalizer Producer Edition. With this Edition you are going to be upgrading the software from 1000 DFY subject lines to 1800 DFY subject line.
    • From 100 DFY email swipes to 280 DFY email swipes, and from having 1 built in content fixing spinner to having FIVE!
    • This will provide the ULTIMATE in making sure your emails are absolute perfection and dynamic every time! 
  • DS1 ($10.80/month)
    • DS1 is the monthly option for the Epic Conversions Insider's Club. It's Kam's monthly low ticket membership program that gives members a brand new IM product every single month, group coaching and keeps them up to date on the newest tips, tricks and info in the IM space.
  • OTO2 ($67)
    • OTO2 is the Inbox Equalizer Agency Edition. The Inbox Equalizer Agency Edition allows you to add up to 10 USERS!!!
    • This Agency Edition of the software is PERFECT for those of you who are running a small business and have a few employees or contracted workers who you need to have access to the Inbox Equalizer software.
    •  Even if you are currently working alone as a solopreneur BUT believe you will eventually EXPAND your business, this Edition is perfect for you. It's like having 10 COPIES OF THE SOFTWARE but at a fraction of the cost.
  • DS2 ($37)
    • DS2 is the Inbox Equalizer Light Agency Edition. This is offered for those who pass on the Agency Edition. It will do EVERYTHING the Agency Edition will do except it will allow 6 additional users instead of 10.
    • It's a great offer for those that felt the Agency Edition was a little out of their budget.
  • OTO3 ($197)
    • OTO 3 offers a RESELLER RIGHTS PACKAGE. It's the chance to actually OWN the Inbox Equalizer software code and sell it as your very own product! 
    • This is essentially about acquiring a new and powerful asset for your business. At the one time price, I expect this to do amazing!
  • DS3 ($97)
    • DS3 offers a Max Deal Affiliate Opportunity. It's the chance to promote Inbox Equalizer as an affiliate at 100% commissions through the entire funnel. I expect this to do very well.

Who Is This Product For and Should I Buy It?

Excellent questions!

To answer those questions, let me ask you one thing: Did you know that email marketing is by far still the one making the largest revenue of all kinds of marketing channel?

Yep, and it is the most precious asset that you can have too! That's why people used to say that The Money is In The List. Why? Because it is!

So if you are an Online Marketer and you use email marketing as one of your tool to get new clients, then Inbox Equalizer is a no-brainer for you!

You can test it by yourself for 60 days and see if this software and the training inside worth your money or not (well, it's worth a lot more than what you need to invest in it, and I personally guarantee that!).

Do I recommend Inbox Equalizer?

Yes! Without a shadow of doubt, this will be very beneficial for you, especially if you are new into this game.

Final Verdict and Summary

I have known Kam for quite a long time and he clearly knows what he is talking about.

Furthermore, you obviously know that I won't promote any junk software that simply doesn't work.

Will you get a lot of benefits from Inbox Equalizer? Heck YES!

The quality of the training itself already exceeds the price, so you can say that the software is FREE (and there is no monthly fee whatsoever too!). 

With the software and the Training provided inside, you will get into your A game in Email marketing in no time!

But please, don't take my word for it! Test it by yourself and see if it's really deliver on it's promise or not. It's your decision whether you want to improve your email marketing skills or not.

But hey, maybe what I am going to offer you below will make you made up your mind quicker. Check it out!

Best Bonuses for Inbox Equalizer Ever!

As a token of appreciation for buying this product from me, I want to over-deliver to you by giving my awesome custom bonuses to help you further down the road in your affiliate journey:

  1. Lifetime Access to my Inner Circle (Worth: priceless)
    • This means that you can reach out to me whenever you need any advice or assistance and I will share with you my latest finding to boost your income faster.
  2. Affiliate Marketing Mastery (Worth: $67)
    • You will learn strategies to generating a life-changing income online & unlock the secrets' to complete affiliate marketing mastery. 
    • Topics covered:
      • Affiliate Marketing
      • Benefits of Starting with Affiliate Marketing
      • Top Affiliate Marketing Trends
      • How to Promote Your Website and Get Traffic
      • The Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Programs
      • Writing Content for Affiliate Marketing
      • Using Social Media Platforms for Affiliate Marketing
      • Qualities of a Good Affiliate Marketer
      • The Challenges Associated with Affiliate Marketing and How to Overcome Them
      • How to Promote Affiliate Offers
  3. The Traffic Handbook (Worth: $67)
    • Great internet marketing is about marrying new strategies (like SEO and social media marketing) with tried and tested principles. That means understanding what your business is about, who your audience is, and how to get them excited. It means delivering amazing value and information through your content.
    • Here are what you will learn in this guide: 
      • Content marketing strategies to attract a bigger audience to your blog or social profiles.
      • 7 benefits of posting valuable content on your website and social media.
      • How to build links that will actually IMPACT on your ranking!
      • How to write SEO content that generates organic search traffic and boosts your ranking.
      • How to grow your social media exponentially with minimal effort
      • Understand the principles that can be applied to any site and any business.
      • How many times you should post on your blog and social profiles. Here's our recommendation if you're just starting out.
      • Tips on SEO, paid advertising, social media, and branding for building an online presence.
      • 5 effective content types to grow your traffic and sales.
      • Three types of keywords you want to target when it comes to search engine optimization. Understand each of these keyword types for the biggest gains in organic traffic.
      • And much, much more! 
  4. Super Affiliate Marketing Course To Make Six Figure Income in One Year (Worth: $1,997)
    • A complete course about Affiliate Marketing from A to Z that will literally take you by the hand and show you step by step Actions Step to make a Six Figure side income and it comes with Free Coaching to hold you accountable and show you the right way to success. 
  5. One Slot of Paid Ad (For One Promotion) with Targeted Traffic Audience (Worth: $27/month)
    • This is a super targeted traffic especially for Personal Development, Biz-Opp, Wealth Creation and IM Traffic. You will get hundreds of eyeballs to your squeeze page or whatever you want to promote, PLUS I will design the ads for you at no cost! 
    • Since this is an exclusive offer, I only have limited slots available. Remember that money loves speed!
    • This Bonus ONLY available as long as you stay a monthly member of Inbox Equalizer, otherwise I will take down the ad.
  6. Exclusive Done-By-Me 10 Email Swipes for You (Worth: $97)
    • I will create an exclusive email swipes that is done for you to promote any product you have.
    • Note: To get this bonus, you must subscribe with me using the AutoResponder that I personally use and in return I will help set it all up for you. Sounds great?
    • If you already have your own AutoResponder then I will offer something else for you. 

I hope you enjoyed my review.

If you have any questions about Inbox Equalizer that I haven't answered above, please let me know in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer all your questions.

Thank you!

At your Service,

Freedom Cruiser Team

PS: Please email me your proof of purchase to and then I will send you the bonuses. Thank You!