Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0 Review: Generate Thousands In Commission With Free Traffic!

Who loves Free Traffic? I bet we all do! Furthermore, what if you can set it up just once and get automated traffic for the rest of your life?

Well, that is what you will find out inside the new Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0 by Kevin Fahey. Let's dive in!

What Is Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0?

Free Traffic Shotgun is a video training series and case studies revealing a system Kevin Fahey use to get FREE SUBSCRIBERS & SALES DAILY.

This has nothing to do with recruiting affiliates, creating endless videos or blog posts. Free Traffic Shotgun covers set and forget methods that take only a few hours to set up from start to finish.

From there, you can look forward to a steady flow of leads and sales for months and years to come. This is what Kevin himself do to get him to 6-Figures income per year.

What Will I Learn Inside Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0?

You will learn a lot of things inside this video training course. To summarize it, below are the modules inside Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0:

Module 1 - Introduction To The Free Traffic Shotgun System
Module 2 - Deciding On your Offer
Module 3 - Preparing Your Content
Module 4 - Account Setup and Monetization
Module 5 - Part 1 Setting Up Split Testing & Tracking
Module 5 - Part 2 Social Media Posting
Module 5 - Part 3 Blog Post
Module 5 - Part 4 Login Special Offers
Module 5 - Part 5 Banners Everywhere
Module 5 - Part 6 Email Broadcast
Module 5 - Part 7 Email Signature
Module 5 - Part 8 Popup Banners In Content Banners
Module 5 - Part 9 Home Pages
Module 6 - The Results Case Study
Module 7 - Your Own Done For You Offer
Access The Free Traffic Shotgun Execution Notes
Free Traffic Shotgun Bonuses

Module 8 - Affiliate Marketing With Free Traffic Shotgun

In estimation, the whole course took around 2 hours to finish watching the whole videos. I would suggest to take a pen and write what you learn in a notebook so you can visit it again anytime.

What's important is that you understand how to do it so you can replicate it into your own online business.

Are There Any Upsells For Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0?

Yes, there are a few upsells obviously. You can see the whole funnel below:

  • Front End - Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0 - $16.95
  • Bump: Kevin Fahey’s List Building & Email Marketing Masterclass - $17
  • OTO1: 100K/Year Made Simple - $27
  • OTO2: Free Affiliate Funnels - $27 
  • OTO2A: Free Affiliate Funnels Reseller - $97/$47
  • OTO3: Marketing Power Pack - $47
  • OTO3DS: Email Marketing On Fire - $27
  • OTO4: IM Checklist Trial - $3 Trial then $17.95/month

After the Front End with a Bump offer, you will see 3 Upsells inside Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0 funnel. 

Will Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0 Works For Me?

Absolutely. These methods are working and I use them myself a few. For example, the social media posting and blog post as you can see here. 

These methods are doable but it will be vary based on where you are on your journey. Meaning that if you are just starting out, only some basic methods will apply for you. 

As you go further in your journey and adding some other asset like membership site, email list, etc, you will likely to learn more of that inside Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0 modules. 

So in short, the methods do work and you can apply it whether you are a total beginner or already an advanced marketer because Kevin spills out all of his methods that he is doing himself.

The Best Bonuses For Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0

As a token of appreciation for buying this product from me, I want to over-deliver to you by giving my awesome custom bonuses below to help you further down the road in your affiliate journey:

  1. Lifetime Access to my Inner Circle (Worth: priceless)
    • This means that you can reach out to me whenever you need any advice or assistance and I will share with you my latest finding to boost your income faster.
  2. Affiliate Marketing Mastery (Worth: $67)
    • You will learn strategies to generating a life-changing income online & unlock the secrets' to complete affiliate marketing mastery. 
    • Topics covered:
      • Affiliate Marketing
      • Benefits of Starting with Affiliate Marketing
      • Top Affiliate Marketing Trends
      • How to Promote Your Website and Get Traffic
      • The Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Programs
      • Writing Content for Affiliate Marketing
      • Using Social Media Platforms for Affiliate Marketing
      • Qualities of a Good Affiliate Marketer
      • The Challenges Associated with Affiliate Marketing and How to Overcome Them
      • How to Promote Affiliate Offers
  3. The Traffic Handbook (Worth: $67)
    • Great internet marketing is about marrying new strategies (like SEO and social media marketing) with tried and tested principles. That means understanding what your business is about, who your audience is, and how to get them excited. It means delivering amazing value and information through your content.
    • Here are what you will learn in this guide: 
      • Content marketing strategies to attract a bigger audience to your blog or social profiles.
      • 7 benefits of posting valuable content on your website and social media.
      • How to build links that will actually IMPACT on your ranking!
      • How to write SEO content that generates organic search traffic and boosts your ranking.
      • How to grow your social media exponentially with minimal effort
      • Understand the principles that can be applied to any site and any business.
      • How many times you should post on your blog and social profiles. Here's our recommendation if you're just starting out.
      • Tips on SEO, paid advertising, social media, and branding for building an online presence.
      • 5 effective content types to grow your traffic and sales.
      • Three types of keywords you want to target when it comes to search engine optimization. Understand each of these keyword types for the biggest gains in organic traffic.
      • And much, much more! 
  4. Super Affiliate Marketing Course To Make Six Figure Income in One Year (Worth: $1,997)
    • A complete course about Affiliate Marketing from A to Z that will literally take you by the hand and show you step by step Actions Step to make a Six Figure side income and it comes with Free Coaching to hold you accountable and show you the right way to success. 
  5. One Month of Paid Ad with Targeted Traffic Audience (Worth: $27)
    • This is a super targeted traffic especially for Personal Development, Biz-Opp, Wealth Creation and IM Traffic. You will get hundreds of eyeballs to your squeeze page or whatever you want to promote, PLUS I will design the ads for you at no cost! 
    • Since this is an exclusive offer, I only have limited slots available. Remember that money loves speed!
    • You need to buy at least OTO1 in order to claim this Bonus
  6. My Fast Track to Your First $1K Commissions Training (Worth: $97)
    • This is my secret formula to get you from zero to $1K using a proven method that convert cold leads into buyers
    • You can also automate it like I did with a very small investment that will be covered from the commissions you make
  7. My Ultimate Mindset Hack To Get You Into The 1% That Succeed In This Online World (Worth: $97)
    • There is a secret for people that really made it within this Make Money Online niche and you will get it for FREE
    • I will also share 3 Techniques that are proven and have already changed so many lives including myself

I hope you enjoyed my review.

If you have any questions about Free Traffic Shotgun 2.0 that I haven't answered above, please let me know in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer all your questions.

Thank you!

At your Service,

Freedom Cruiser Team

PS: Please email me your proof of purchase to and then I will send you the bonuses. Thank You!