The Make Money Online industry is ever changing, especially in 2022. So many competitions in this niche has made some marketers left this industry.
This report claims that it has the best strategy that will help beginners to succeed in this niche. Let's dive in further shall we?
What Is The Tiger Report?
The Tiger Report is essentially 6,500 words report about how to succeed in 2022. Inside it, Dawud detailed about the changes in the industry and how to survive in this tough MMO market.
How to win the game, while retaining and nurturing your list. There is also a full private labels rights included when you bought this report.
My Personal Opinion About The Tiger Report
Okay, so let me get this straight. After reading the report myself, I can vouch that what Dawud said inside this report is true.
The MMO industry especially in low-ticket segment is in total chaos. So many junk products born almost every day from irresponsible vendor who give big claim with hyped sales page, and showing ridiculous amount of income in a short time and saying that it's very easy to do so. Yeah, right!
While that is true, I don't find anything new when I read the report, in fact, what he suggested inside the report is what I have been doing these past 2 years myself. Not all of them though.
I decided to stay an Affiliate and won't become a vendor myself very soon unless I have something that really helpful and can benefit many marketers especially for beginners.
What Can I Do With The Tiger Report?
Well, it's actually pretty straightforward. You need to read the report itself and get some insights from it that you can apply for your own business.
You can use it as a lead magnet, give it away as a bonus, or create a few blog posts from it or repurpose it to any content you want. And you can also sell the product as your own while keeping 100% of the profit.
Should I Buy The Tiger Report?
As someone who already inside this industry for quite a long time, I don't learn anything new from it.
I found some truth inside it, while also I think there are some that needs to be added still inside the report.
Do I recommend it? Well, I believe that you better use your money to invest in something else that will help you start Affiliate Marketing the right way.
For $7.95, this is quite decent but in my own opinion, it is better to buy an Affiliate Marketing program that is proven to convert and will push you to the top by getting out of your comfort zone.
If you are interested in what I just said, you will find the much better option for your $7.95 below.
Is There A Better Alternatives For The Tiger Report?
If you are a total beginner, I would suggest to get into a product which provide the necessary things that you will need to start your own business from scratch and have a cool community that helps each other.
Building your own list and then monetize it with any offer that you think will convert for your kind of audience is the best way to have a sustainable business.
If you really want to make it work as a beginner by building your list, I would suggest you check List Lion inside my review here.
For $7, you can get a great product, and more over, you will get 100 leads ready to be monetized inside your autoresponder (which you also get for free!).
Besides that, to this date when I write this review, I already made more than $1,000 with List Lion, and some are recurring income (plus you can have the opportunity to make $997 high-ticket sales with List Lion!).
Start with just $7 and get 100 leads for FREE. If you want to get more (500 leads every month added to your autoresponder), you can also do that with a very affordable investment.
If you decided to get in, I will help you in every step of the way. This is by far the most affordable and easiest way to start an online business.
And with that I end this review for The Tiger Report.
I hope you enjoyed my review.
If you have any questions about The Tiger Report that I haven't answered above, please let me know in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer all your questions.
Thank you!
At your Service,
Freedom Cruiser Team