Hi There!
Thank you for your time while visiting my website. My name is Dominic and I am currently developing this site to share more about three things mainly: TIME, FINANCIAL, and MIND Freedom. The name suggest that as we walk through this earth, trying to find why we were born and what for, these kinds of FREEDOM are mostly what people are looking for (as do I of course).
So what I will share with you here today, as a fellow comrade in arms in this wonderful journey called LIFE, I believe will be beneficial to you in some ways. I have been a student of self-help programs from 2013, and I bought so many of them from Gurus like Joe Vitale, Dr. Steve G. Jones, Bob Proctor, T. Harv Eker, Brendon Burchard, Tony Robbins, and many others.
So I was just thinking like: What the heck am I going to use all these stuff I’m collecting for? Come on Man! Obviously it will be a waste if I let it rot just like that in my Hard Drive! And that is exactly why this website is born. It might sound cliche but yeah I was benefiting from all the things I have been through, and I would like to share it with you.
What works, what doesn’t, what will be the next best thing in our lives (heck, how can we best predict the future if not creating it for ourselves right?), and my reccomendations regarding our mutual goals, that is FREEDOM in all aspects, especially in time, financial, and mind (obviously mindset will be one of the topic to be discussed further).
I am a Life Coach since 2013 and I can say that I am having quite the experience in the Self-Help industry as a student and a Practitioner. I have spend a lot of money to learn many kinds of technique and also for my Certification Program. Enough about that, I believe what matters are about delivering values, so I really hope this website becomes a channel to do just that.
And there you go…I think that is all about me. You can reach me via the Contact Page or just simply shoot me an email at dominic@freedomcruiser.com. To show you that I am also a human being just like you, not a 25th century Android from the future (can you guess what kind of movie I love to watch?), here is my current picture. Thank you and have a glorious and wonderful life journey ahead! God bless you abundantly and exceedingly!
With Love and Regards,
Life Coach